When beginning the journey of becoming an online freelance writer it can be hard if you do not have guidance along the way. Content mills are not praised by some of the more established writers yet they can be a great income source for beginners who are supplementing their income until they can make the switch to working full time as a writer.
However, the thing with content mills is some of them hardly have any work while others are hard to get accepted into without experience. Then, there are others out there that always seem to have payment delays and other issues that make them seem kind of shady. So, which content mills are the ones that are great for beginners?
When you start doing research online on the different content mills you will find that textbroker is one of the first ones that you will run across. They also happen to be one of the easier content mills to get accepted to write for if you know basic grammar and can spell. This content mill accepts writers from the United States and they pay on a weekly basis.
Also, when applying, you will be asked to complete a writing sample which will determine which at level you begin working. Make sure you put your best foot forward because you will at least want to rank in at a level 3 or you will quickly become disgusted with writing for this company. However, with Textbroker you will have the opportunity to apply for teams and receive direct orders which will usually pay more than you are making at your level.
Interact Media
Interact Media is a content mill that can be kind of hard to run across on your own. Like Textbroker they do require you to submit a sample and you will also receive a ranking. However, when applying with Interact Media you will want to be sure to choose the categories that you want to write for forever because after you have been approved you will not be able to change your decisions. Interact Media pays twice a month on the 1st and the 15th. You will also have the opportunity to pick up direct orders through this content mill as well.
Odesk is technically considered a bidding site but it can also be considered a content mill as well. On this website you have the option of choosing hourly jobs or fixed rate jobs. Odesk works by having clients list their jobs for employees to bid on. The client chooses who they want to work on the job and all interactions are supposed to take place only on the website. You are paid by the client, and you then have the opportunity of choosing which method you would like to use to receive your money. It can be very competitive searching for work here, yet if you complete the tests and do well on them you will be a step ahead of the game.
This guest post comes from Victoria Heckstall. She is the owner of Young Work at Home Moms. Also, she is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of different topics such as credit cards.